Public Leadership the Profession We All Depend On

Public Leadership: The Profession We All Depend On

Essential Practices to See You Through

On a day-to-day basis, public leaders are skilled at providing services to other public organizations and to the residents they serve. Most importantly, they understand their jobs, not in terms of titles or position descriptions, but in terms of “who depends on me.” Public leaders are also adept at getting others to understand who depends on them and for what. They work with numerous stakeholder groups to continuously innovate in the delivery of public services and meet challenges. Also essential for any leader is the ability to engender trust—particularly public leaders. How they meet commitments and follow through even when things are difficult or uncomfortable is paramount to their ability to lead.

Read more about practices that are essential to public leadership on page 32 of the May 2016 issue of Public Management magazine.

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Can Private Sector Leaders Be Great Public Sector Leaders, And Is the Opposite True?

OriginalPress Release was a follow up to our First Friday Community of Practice session in March, titled:

Can Private Sector Leaders Be Great Public Sector Leaders, And Is the Opposite True?
How Different is the Work and Can Private Sector Leaders Learn How to Become More Effective from Public Sector Leaders?

For years, politicians have been telling us the federal government needs to operate more like a business, but can a private sector leader truly be a great public sector leader? Is the reverse true? Successful leadership in business or government requires a mastery of communication and negotiation skills, and an ability to engender trust and credibility. But routinely ignored are the different responsibilities and skills required.

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